Multibody Dynamics Workshop 2024
6th International Multibody System Dynamics Workshop & Summer School
PARMA, 3-7 JUNE 2024
PARMA, 3-7 JUNE 2024

This is the sixth of a successful series of workshops jointly organized by the University of Parma and Politecnico di Milano, alternating between Parma, Milano and other italian venues. This year the event will be held in Parma.
Aims and scope
Methods of multibody system dynamics represent a widespread, versatile and reliable approach to the simulation of engineering problems that involve the dynamics of complex mechanisms. Applications of these methods can be found in many fields, for instance in aerospace, automotive, biomechanics, robotics and automation, to name a few.
Partecipants to this workshop will have the opportunity to interact with people from a diverse range of backgrounds: other students, researchers, professionals from industries and faculty staff.
Lecturers are experts in their chosen fields and committed to teaching with academic rigour and contemporary relevance.
This Summer School is part of the curriculum of the PhD Programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering of Politecnico di Milano.
Organized under the auspices of AIMETA, Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
Jointly organized by


Various topics related to multibody dynamics will be covered, including (but not limited to):
- Basic theory
- Dynamics and kinematics
- Numerical methods for time integration
- Flexible multibody and finite elements
- Contacts, collisions, and non-smooth problems
- Control, robotics, cosimulation
- Optimization
- Software development
- aerospace
- automotive
- biomechanics
- trains, railways
- artificial intelligence and deep learning
- virtual reality and videogames
- robotics, etc.
The workshop is mainly intended for Ph.D. students in engineering but it is open to industry researchers and enthusiasts.A basic knowledge of mechanics, programming and numerical methods is expected. Previous editions created a stimulating international context, with students coming from many countries.
Alessandro Tasora, Università di Parma Pierangelo Masarati, Politecnico di Milano
Scientific committee
Francesco Biral, Università di Trento Alessandro Cammarata, Università di Catania
Federico Cheli, Politecnico di Milano
Walter Lacarbonara, Sapienza Università di Roma
Stefano Lenci, Polytechnic University of Marche
Pierangelo Masarati, Politecnico di Milano
Enrico Meli, Università di Firenze
Marco Morandini, Politecnico di Milano
Carmine M. Pappalardo, Università di Salerno
Ettore Pennestrì, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Dario Richiedei, Università di Padova
Radu Serban, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Edoardo Sabbioni, Politecnico di Milano
Rosario Sinatra, Università di Catania
Alessandro Tasora, Università di Parma
Pier Paolo Valentini, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Michele Vignati, Politecnico di Milano
Andrea Zanoni, Politecnico di Milano
Keynote speakers
Radu Serban, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA Robert Seifried, Hamburg University of Technology, DE
Stefano Lenci, Polytechnic University of Marche, IT
Valentin Sonneville, Technische Universität München, DE
Organizing committee
Alessandro Tasora, Università di ParmaPierangelo Masarati, Politecnico di Milano
Edoardo Sabbioni, Politecnico di Milano
Andrea Zanoni, Politecnico di Milano
Peng Chao, Università di Parma
Dario Mangoni, Università di Parma
Dario Fusai, Università di Parma
The workshop provides five days of lectures (in the morning) and tutorials/hands-on sessions (in the afternoon). Half day will be dedicated to a mini-conference, where attendees will have the opportunity to showcase their research with short presentations.
A detailed program is available.
Lessons will be articulated in open lectures, teamwork and hands-on sessions.
Various experts from Italy and abroad will be invited to give lectures on topics revolving around multibody system dynamics at large.
For each lesson, custom learning material (PDFs, PPTs, etc.) will be made available to the students through a shared repository with reserved access.
The Workshop provides for the recognition of 5 ECTS.
If a maximum number of registrations is exceeded, participants will be selected on the basis of their academic achievements and suitability for the program. In case of ex-aequo, priority will be offered to foreign students, and according to the order of application.
Application and registration
Candidates must fill the pre-registration at this page, before April 20th, 2024.
Candidates will be notified of acceptance by April 25th, 2024.
By May 15th, 2024 selected participants must fill the form for final registration, and pay the fees, using the PDF form available at this link.
300,00 Euros, covering coffee breaks, five lunches, teaching material, the social dinner and one year membership of AIDAA.
(Fees are waived for regular Ph.D. students of Politecnico di Milano; POLIMI students should also use the usual internal course enrolment system, or contact for details.)
In case this workshop is not activated, the total amount will be refunded.
This event is IN-PRESENCE. Details available at this page.
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